Tuesday, October 25, 2011


This is a bit old news but new to some.  An outstanding pillar of the expat community, one loved by many and one who has contributed tirelessly to charity in money and time (a great deal of time) had the carpet pulled from under her.  Deserving or not?  Who am I to judge?  Ok I will.  I think she deserved better from all around her.  I think she continues to deserve better from all around her.  I think she should be given more leeway than anyone else I know finding themselves in the position she's in.  So what exactly happened?

She had an affair.  Haven't so many of us done that?  Thought of it?  Secretly wanted it?  She had the balls to actually have an affair that lead to her falling in love.  I mean who wouldn't after so many years of marriage?  However, she and her lover choose to take things further and actually set up home together.  Her children were older, her husband appeared fairly disinterested and the charity work could only fulfill a part of who she is.  Thus her lover and her agreed to take this walk into the unknown.  She told her husband.  He screamed, he shouted he was not amused since he is a man used to getting his way.  He is a man used to having things exactly how he wants them and suddenly there he had a wife who wasn't keen to continue to live that way.  Suddenly the lover was no where to be seen.  He had disappeared.  He turned off his phone, he refused all calls from her.  He went to ground.  She was left standing.  Taking the flax and watching everything around her burn.  Her lover had changed his mind.  Why?  Oh put it down to cowardice.  This lonely lady began the spiral into despair and loss.  Her husband kicked her out (she slept on a friends floor).  Her husband removed all credit cards (this is a woman who has worked all her life to support her husband's world and therefore had no career other than mother, wife, carer, charity worker and friend).  Most painful of all, her children rejected her.  They had forgotten the amazing mother and woman she is.  They had forgotten how human and normal she is.  Her husband went on to divorce her and shame her anywhere he could.  Since he is a rather well known personality there are a lot of well known people who now regard her as non persona gratis.  Thankfully many friends remained supporting her.  Her kids still don't talk to her and she is building her life as best she can.  As far as I can see the only mistake she made was trusting her lover.  He seems to have got scot free.  No recriminations, no bad press, no one disowning him.  What a weasel he is.  Anyone know who he is?  Send me his details and let's shame him here.

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