So the Ides of March are here and with it our first Caesar of the evening to be stabbed. An Australian dancer living in Cihangir failed to pay her bill at a new Bistro over the weekend. She left with a group (who did pay) and before the waiters noticed she was out the door and gone. What did she have? Even this I can tell. Cajun Chicken Salad and 3 glasses of wine. Lady go back and settle your bill!
Caesar no. 2 dumped his girlfriend in the most despicable of ways. He took her out to dinner at 360. He ate, he drank then told her it was over after a 3 month fairly intense relationship. She went to the toilet to check how badly her mascara had run. He took the clutch bag she left behind and gave it to the waiter telling them he had to go to the toilet too and would they please keep it safe for her return. Return she did, but he didn't. His phone was turned off and he had checked out his coat. She will have difficulty locating him since he is currently in Italy visiting his Italian girlfriend that she knew nothing about. Why had he dumped her? This we can't know except that his ways don't become a gentleman.
Roxy club saw some pretty hot action Saturday Night. I wasn't there so sadly missed the show (not just the stage show but the floor show). Two girls were seen sharing a kiss early on in the evening. One of the girls was then seen rubbing a man's manhood over his jeans. Is she Bi? Who knows but the girl she kissed is Gay and the man she rubbed up, is also Gay so not sure what she was doing. Can we put it down to drink? Another lady looking as glamorous as the stage show in a short gold lame dress was hitting back the drinks but managing to stay upright on her stilletos. However, her perfume was apparently rank. I am so curious as to what perfume she wore that night. She was later seen kissing the Lesbian from earlier on. Right against the bar. I think the bartender was smiling. It also appears that the two girls are already in a relationship. Meanwhile, others were at it, another lady kissed a rather stunning black lady. We are not sure as to the black lady's choice of bed partner but the other one is definitely straight but very drunk.
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