4th March 2011
Fantasies! Careful ladies. Out there today are a couple of ladies who deeply regret fulfilling their fantasies. Worse for one who's fantasy was not really hers but her boyfriend's!
Her: I love you so I'll do it!
Mistake - Love dies celluloid takes longer to erase.
Yes, you've guessed it. The relationship is over. Not that this made it happen or indeed, it seems cemented it. She is terrified someone will come across the videotape of the show! Would the high profile bank understand fantasies fueled by drink and drugs? Would it understand that these are also executive games? Will the wife of the man involved find the tape and use it in her divorce? Let's hope he hid it well. Even better, let's hope he destroyed it.
Ahhh film. It comes in many forms and is in many places. Another lady has a perchance for car park copulation. It has been said she has frequented just about every multistory car park in the city with a variety of young boys. Do they ever question the reason why it is always in a car? Boys will be boys and they are lucky to get it where ever. However, and I have seen footage but can't say how, since it would incriminate me, of the said lady getting into the car in the car park of a well known hotel and bouncing on the passenger seat. You'd have thought with all this past expertise she would know to park no where near security cameras. Who'd have thought when I last clinked glasses with her at a gallery opening that I would now be offering her the tape. Email me your contact details and I'll send it round. Price? None what so ever. It was fun watching!
There is a third fantasy but this lady is smart. Perhaps because she's English? Or maybe she has learned from painful experience. She likes to video herself making love with her camera phone. She then sits in her car outside the building watching the replay. Then erases it. Why? Kids and husband come to mind. They don't go well with extra marital affairs.
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