23rd March 2011
It's coming in thick and fast. So much more happened over the weekend that I'm limited as to what I've already told you so as not to overload this site with too much but very interesting gossip. It seems that the 'girlie feud' does have a fourth corner in what we earlier thought was a triangle. Is it two against two? Seems to be. The gal/guy of questionable origin is partnering the proxy in his social network and in bed. Rumor has it the proxy is hung like a demon! Let's hope the gal/guy can take it! The Social Media group that threw out the gal/guy won't be letting him back in under any circumstances. There appears to be more than just this girlie feud. I will endeavor to find out. The gal/guy is desperate to get back into the social media group as he has had a lot of freebie dinners and drinks through being able to organize events on their site and take a group from there to a venue hungry for advertising at the cost of feeding the gal/guy. The gal/guy has tried to negotiate with the blondes on how to solve this girlie feud but no definite moves have been made in that direction.
There is a guy who plays music in this city in a foreign named bar around the Taksim/Galatasaray area. He is a part of a band during the night and to say what he does during the day will make it way too obvious as to who he is. An ex has told me that he is hung like a baboon. Since he has gotten married since that news erupted I don't suppose any other woman will find out if that is indeed true. But I have to say that you wouldn't know it to look at him!
The Social Media Group had their monthly get together. A lot happened as usual when alcohol is involved and music from Village People. Everyone was seen dancing, even those that couldn't or never. The black lady that kissed the girl from the other night was seen laughing and heavily flirting with a man. Way too confusing for me! Is she gay? Straight? Bi? or drunk? No one, other than her from the Burlesque night was there so no one could further comment on it. One lady lost her panties. How? I have no idea and neither does she. According to her she went to the toilet and a little later noted a draft. Had she left them in the toilet? She remembers nothing!
The Italian Culture Centre held another dinner party during the week. It's a bit of a hit and miss affair. Some are good and sadly a lot are not. They have guest cooks who create a menu from a country of their origin and the last one was Morocco. Usually there are a lot of people to these events but I fear the numbers are dwindling due to the hit and miss affair of the food and not so much the country of choice. The food was limited to a very small fried pastry and then a tajine and couscous mostly vegetable dish with a few pieces of stray meat. All that could have been bought for a quarter the price at a place down the road. Very disappointed eaters were seen leaving the place with comments such as 'if the food had at least been tasty then it might have been just a little more worth it!' I wasn't there but can sympathize totally having been to their venues and seen the grade of food do a nose dive. My last one (although plenty for seconds and thirds) tasted of nothing. Was that possible? Even McDonalds tastes of something! I didn't bother to take a second helping and left most of my first to contend myself with the salad. These venues need new blood or at least someone to make sure the quality matches the price otherwise no one will come.
It seems Jash is not far behind in terrible cuisine these days. Two reports from, what was a nice Armenian restaurant, have now made it not a place to go to for a night out. The decor is still lovely, and comforting and homely but the food isn't. Overcooked, dried out and tasteless. What happened? Jash you used to be a tasty morsel in Cihangir and now you are joining the other tasteless restaurants that pretend to be a restaurant in Cihangir. Get a new chef or get two as I believe you are packed most nights. Perhaps your popularity has put too much of a strain in the kitchen and they are churning out food with no love. You'll be empty in a short time unless you address this situation quickly. Plus get rid of the live music. It's too loud and no one can hear each other chat in that cozy atmosphere you have created.
Congratulations Ambassador of Internations in Istanbul. In case you didn't know she is soon to have a baby. A girl to add to the two boys she already has. How does she manage organizing such a large membership and a family. Obviously very skilled at Organization.
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