13 March 2011
Some people never sleep. Info is coming in thick and fast from the parties that dotted this city over the weekend. So many I can't keep up with the gossip. What interests me is how someone can be in two places at once but apparently it's possible as some of the gossip that has come in places the same person in two separate venues.
Back to the girlie feud. I now have the full story and here is the condensed version. A food group was started by a Texan lady (no longer here) which was helped along by the gal/guy of questionable origin. They fought, they made up, they fought. The gal/guy continued the group with one of the questionable blondes and wasn't very generous with her except in snide remarks and bullying. The organization asked the gal/guy to issue a public apology. It was a piss weak one and he got booted out. The questionable blonde teamed up with a more questionable blonde and 'girl power' ensued and they got the backing of the organization. Their new group went off to a roaring start this weekend as did the gal/guy of questionable origin's and now questionable behavior. He got back into the Organization through the back door, posting on the forum his group under a proxy. Is the proxy for real? Is it the gal/guy of questionable origins? The fact that the proxy's name is somewhat reminiscent to a '50's movie star might lead some to believe that he doesn't really exist but is the gal/guys alter ego (since he is known for being a drama queen).
All will be revealed as I spend my Sunday checking facts and rumors of what went on this weekend. Prepare yourselves for a written IDES OF MARCH with some character assassination due to take place.
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